This book is designed for use in teacher education, and to be of use to teachers in all disciplines. A major theme is the importance of educational considerations, and the need to see the computer as one means of achieving educational objectives. The first part of the book describes how computers can be used in the teaching and learning process, illustrating their applicability by specific references to uses in various subject areas. The second part is specifically for those teaching computing, and discusses classroom organization, appropriate syllabi, and computer languages. Finally, the authors consider other aspects of computers and schools, including computer use in libraries and administration, selecting software and hardware, and establishing and managing the school computing facility.
Product details
- Paperback | 318 pages
- 150 x 230mm | 588g
- 26 Mar 1986
- Blackwell Publishing Asia
- Carlton, Australia
- English
- 0867931604
- 9780867931600
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